Surface Decorating for Ceramics

Decorating ceramic pieces is super fun!

There are tons of ways to spruce up your surface. You can try painting with ceramic glazes, using underglazes for intricate designs, or even experimenting with decals and transfers. And don't forget about carving or sgraffito techniques for adding texture and depth.

Just make sure to fire your creations properly to seal in the design and make it durable. What kind of ceramic pieces are you thinking of decorating?

Plates are a classic choice for ceramic decoration! You can get really creative with them. One cool method is to use food-safe ceramic paints or glazes to add designs or patterns.

Another option is to carve or etch designs into the surface before firing. And if you're into a more modern look, you could try adding decals or transfers for a sleek finish.

The possibilities are endless!

Join us on May 15th for the first of many mini workshops where Fran Guinnanae will be doing surface decorating teaching. This week’s topic is “Buble Glazing & Wax Resist”